If you are interested in Japanese terminology, as distinct from the western use of what were originally Japanese terms, visit Morgan Pitelka's article (external link).
Anagama Originating from a Japanese word meaning cave kiln the term anagama is used loosely on this site to mean any climbing, basically single chambered kiln, longer than it is wide, fired for extended periods to produce natural ash effects. With the introduction of stabilizing chambers as part of the design, anagamas may not be strictly single chambered.
Flamethrower This is a sidestoking technique in which a bundle of side stoking wood is held or suspended in a side stoking port, rather than being pushed into the kiln. The ends of the pieces of wood project into the kiln, and because the side stoking port cannot be sealed, extra air enters the kiln just where it is needed for combustion. The result can be dramatic temperature rises in an area somewhere between the sidestoking port and the exit flues.
Reduced cooling or reduction cooling In Australian woodfiring circles the term reduced cooling is used carelessy to describe the following procedure: the kiln is fired to its top temperature, and wood is packed in the firebox and sidestoking ports, and the kiln is closed down. What follows is a period of heavy smoke emission which lasts for a time, the duration of which depends on how much air is leaking into the kiln. It can be presumed that the temperature drops during this period of heavy reduction. After a while, sometimes as little as half an hour, the smoke clears and the wood burns with more efficiency, and the temperature rises, possibly back up to near its top temperature. After this the kiln will cool naturally under oxidation. If the kiln is sealed too efficiently the period of reduction can be maintained below the point where the carbon will burn off, and the resulting pots will be very dark indeed.
I have discussed this matter with Ray Cavill, who has experimented with reduction atmospheres in cooling kilns, and he agrees that it is not appropriate to use the term reduced cooling to describe the above procedure, and suggests the term final stage reduction with natural cooling as a replacement. That seems fair enough, and leaves open the possibility of qualifiying the term to encompass final stage reduction with controlled cooling. When firing our anagama, Carol and I employ a controlled cooling procedure which has a period of reduction. For convenience let it be called Rosser reduced cooling It is described here. It would be interesting to see pyrometer readings from someone employing final stage reduction with natural cooling, and of course it would be useful to publish details of any controlled cooling procedures that any woodfirers consider to be beneficial.
Sutema (pronounced stemma) A second chamber in an anagama meant to make the firing easier to control. Also called a stabilizing chamber. See this page.
Wood-fired kiln,
woodfired kiln, wood fired kiln, wood burning kiln - these are alternative terms for all the kilns shown on this site