
Make an Appearance on SideStoke

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Who qualifies

The purpose of SideStoke is to provide information about people actively working in the field of woodfired ceramics in Australia and New Zealand
If this description applies to you and you wish to appear on SideStoke  contact
There is no charge involved but you will have to provide images of your kiln,  photos of  your products,  a mug shot of yourself, and some details about your techniques. Kiln plans and photos of kilns under construction are very useful.

Sending digital images 

You have the options of sending them on USB stick, CD or by email.
If sending on a USB stick or CD simply post to    Matthew Rosser, 16 Dunnart Court, Burnside , QLD, 4560
Receipt of your files will be acknowledged.

If sending by email, send to
Be aware that digital image files may be very large which could cause problems.
Emails which are too large may simply disappear without trace.

If you know how to change the size of digital images then reduce the size of the image so that it fits into a square of 1000x1000 pixels.

If you're not comfortable with image editing programs try sending just one image in an email, and wait for confirmation that it arrived.

Getting photos

Studio quality photos are not necessary. The best thing to do is take the photos yourself. 
A simple photo setup for photographing  pots is described here. If used in indirect lighting this setup will produce images with manageable shadows but they may look a bit  dull.  No need to worry about this: I can make some simple corrections to the images to effectively correct the exposure.

More information on digital imaging

A previous version of this page went into digital imaging at some length. This page is still available here
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